The study investigated the Effects of field- trip on Academic Achievement in Biology among Secondary School Students in Ikwuano , Nigeria. An experimental design which utilized Pre-test-Post-test Control Group design was adopted. The population of the study consisted of 2934 SS1 students from nineteen (19) public schools in Ikwuano Educational Zone of Abia State. Four (4) out of nineteen schools were randomly selected from both urban and rural areas where two schools each were used as experimental and control groups respectively. The experimental group was taught using field trip teaching strategy while the control group was taught by lecture method. A stratified random sampling technique was employed to select the sample from the four schools and a total of 200 students were selected as sample size from both urban and rural areas. The instruments used for this study were Biology Achievement Test (BAT ) with reliability value 0.83 and Biology Retention Test (BRT ) with reliability value 0.85 aimed at determining the achievement and retention of the students. After the data were collected; the research questions were tested with descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation and the hypotheses were tested using inferential statistics i.e independent sample test (t-test). The finding of the study showed that the field trip teaching strategy favoured the experimental group in Biology concept. The study further confirmed that field trip teaching strategy favoured urban experimental group. One of the major recommendations made is that Government should make the use of field trip teaching strategy compulsory particularly in the teaching and learning of Biology concept at senior secondary school level.
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